just a layman

Gaza is burning, why are Muslim Scholars Silent

Avoid praying in rows that have COLUMNSor PILLARS in the masjid?

🆕 ✨ Wife wears Niqab, can I order her to remove it if I follow a different opinion (Madhab)? assim

Knowledge That Raises You By Degrees! Mombasa Dawah Tour 2024 | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

If the Imam breaks wudu like by farting, how will others know to CONTINUE the prayer? assimalhakeem

Can a woman be an Imam for Men? (How they attack Islam) FUNNY 😅 assim al hakeem JAL

Why is the relationship between father & son fear-driven & distant and how can we fix this?

I'm partially paralyzed, I don't know when urine comes out & find out later by smelling pants, are m

Tommy Johansson - NEVER ENDING STORY, A Layman's Reaction

🆕✨ Should a man marry if he's not financially stable, but can live in his parents' basement?

Giving light 💡 to the public in darkness while burning myself like a candle 🕯️? Advising others

He has good religious character but she’s not attracted to him, should she still marry him?

🆕✨Can I talk to a potential spouse with another male or does my father HAVE TO BE THERE? assim

The masjid near me gives the actual Khutba in the last minute, permissible to pray there?

Masjid believes in going to Dargahs & one Masjid Rejects existence of Black Magic, can I pray there?

🆕🌟The Basics of Islam | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem | Jakarta, Indonesia 2025

Not an expert just a layman #wealthmindset

Transparent Abaya or Hijab in the light? assimalhakeem JAL

Can a layman refute a scholar or student of knowledge? | Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem -JAL

Layman claiming a Hadith is weak (praying 2 rakat after sunrise?) || assim al hakeem JAL

No cure for an illness, when I make dua, things get worse, is Allah punishing me? suicidal thoughts

Can we use toilet or tissue paper to clean our thighs or legs when outside?

I forwarded a beneficial video that contained music, am I sinful for everyone who hears it?

Is praying only 1 rakat Witr every alternate day Bid'ah? assimalhakeem JAL